My fisheries research from policy to plate

Showing the advice, the processes and products of the industry.

What are the values we’re using in fisheries management?
2 topics
How should we integrate biological and economic advice?
2 topics
How much should we fish?
3 topics
What is the impact of the discard ban?
1 topics
Who is setting fishing limits above scientific advice?
1 topics
What is the impact of Brexit?
5 topics
Who gets to fish?
7 topics
Who represents fishers?
2 topics
What are the socio-economic issues in the catching sector?
5 topics
Who owns the fish?
2 topics
Who pays for fisheries management?
2 topics
What are the socio-economic issues in coastal communities?
1 topics
What are the socio-economic issues in the aquaculture sector?
1 topics
How is value added?
3 topics
Should we eat fish?
2 topics