Bio-economic methodology (STECF 17-05)
30 March, 2017 Griffin Carpenter

DG Mare discussed with the STECF about the need for short- and long-term socio-economic assessments (see Chapter 2 for an explanation). The analysis of the TAC and quota proposal was of special interest and it was decided to organize an Expert Working Group to discuss and propose possible ways to assess the socio-economic impacts. This report includes firstly a description of the possibilities for short-term assessments and other instruments to identify possible critical TAC changes for the upcoming year (Chapter 3). In the next chapter the report gives an overview of the available models for short- and long-term socio-economic assessments. The available models don’t cover all areas and fisheries. Additionally, the models are developed to answer different questions and to assess a variety of management options (including TAC changes). Thirdly, the report discusses the possibilities for projections for the new AER in 2017.

This report was originally published by the European Commission here.

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